Friday, March 8, 2013

I Cannot Deal

A lot has been going on lately. My father had a heart attack last week. I was accepted into Xavier University. And my friend has been the most random mood swings ever. The mood swings are what bothers me the most.

Everything could be going well. My friend and I could be laughing and talking all day. Then all of a sudden, he gets mad. It's almost always over nothing, but he never sees it like that. He will be mad all day and all night over the littlest, tiniest, smallest thing. What makes it worse is when I ask him what's wrong. That is another argument within itself.

We go through this at least twice a week. I don't know why or how it even starts, but it happens. At times I want to leave everything where it is and walk away, but I can't. Despite the arguing, we're usually happy together. When we are good, it's amazing. But any other time, we're at war. I understand that arguing or disagreeing is a part of all relationships and friendships. I just wish it didn't happen as often.

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