Thursday, February 14, 2013

"People These Days..."

Do you want to know what grind my gears? People. People have been irritating me a lot lately. It's not their presence that's the problem. Simply put, it's the things that they do. The little things about people bother me the most. I cannot stand when people make plans, but do not follow through. I believe that if you say that you are going to do something, you should do what you said you would. It's not that hard. Do not make promises or plans when you know you have no intentions on following through. Don't get me wrong, I understand that things happen. I know that situations and emergencies do come up. In that case, you should give the other person a heads up, a warning, call, text, or something. For the most part, I believe in second chances. However, when I give you the opportunity to re-do something, take advantage of it. Making the same mistake is not acceptable at all…especially when the situation is the same. I truly hate when people constantly do stuff, then claim that they are sorry afterwards just to turn around and do the same thing again. I think I am a pretty understanding person. I would rather have people announce when they are going to cancel their plans than have them not show up at all. People these days are just rude and self-centered. They are lacking courtesy. Or maybe I am being unreasonable. I could be asking for too much. I think I expect too much from people. Saying I’m disappointed is an understatement, but I will still make the most of my day.



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